Saturday, March 7, 2009


Feckless and Pre-Approved, the criminal cats, sat. They wondered how to get a massive loan from the local bank without identification, a job, or any credit history whatsoever.

"How about a fake ID, Feckless? Works on Wall Street, doesn't it?" said Pre-Approved.

"No, no, no. All you've got to do is walk in with your signed application, Pre-Approved."

"What signed application?"

"The one in the big junk mail pile over there. It already has your name on it. It doesn't matter if you're a cat with 14-prior defaults, convictions and no known address. They've got your name already," said Feckless.

"Oh, oh, okay! I didn't think of it," said Pre-Approved.

"Neither did they, but they'll be thinking plenty when it's too late," said Feckless. "That's just the way the world works, Pre-Approved. I can't wait to tell Cut and Paste Cats, either. Just think of the money we're going to make in this town! We'll triple our cash by sundown."

-- 30 --

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