One time, there was a slum. It was over in some other part of town. There was a pink slum house. It had a dumb dog, cat and fat guy livin’ there. They weren’t botherin’ nobody. Things changed one day.
Wednesday, the dog was hit by a car. He didn’t wait for the light to turn green, walked, and died. The driver didn’t see nothin’, so he drove off. Dumb was uninsured.
Fat guy found out. He told cat. Cat didn’t care at first. But later, began to cry.
“What’s wrong? Didn’t I feed you?” said fat guy.
“Yeah, but I liked being smarter than someone all the time,” said cat.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, I miss having Dumb around. Before Dumb got ‘imself run over, I felt good. I had Dumb fer lookin’ down on. Now, there’s just that stupid rug,” cat said.
“What’ya want then? A new dog or a new rug?”
“Dog’s the dumb I know,” said cat. “Let’s get a new dog.”
That's the true story.
-- end --
by Lurene Gisee, March 23, 2009